dinsdag 16 juni 2009


As parents of members of The Pony Club we occasionally are called upon to play a major role in the catering at Special Events. Like selling choc-ices and putting hamburgers in the magnetron. Or following reams of ponies making a pointless trip through the woods and then all the way home again. The following are photos from such a recent event. Being bored waiting for ponies, and resisting the temptation to put hidden ropes and wires across their path, I pointed my camera at Other Things. I was still bored, but now I can share my boredom.

They'll be coming along here any day now

Some leaves to look at while we wait

And a bit of wood

Still nothing

And about time too...

Gold and Silver - should they not be under armed guard?

A beauty

And another. Bernadet at the Pony Club with the correct Country Shirt.

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