dinsdag 16 juni 2009

Country Life.

Its all very well living amongst horses, but they do have to eat. Once or twice a year it is time for hay-making. O, the romance of that back-braking lifting up of bales onto the cart and lifting them off again. Wet grass is not such a pain. it gets rolled up into huge plastic bags and ferments.

Hello! The Black-Pudding harvest is early this year.
You would't want one of these to fall on you - they literally weigh a ton.

Which is fortunate as stacking by hand is not an option.

And I'll be making sure no-one sneaks off with a roll or two.
I'm not sure what the difference between black ones and green ones is, but that looks like hay to me. But I'm not an expert. I just babble around the photos.
This is growing in the front garden. if anyone knows what it is, please inform!

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