dinsdag 16 juni 2009

Looking back on May

Much of May has been occupied with Irene, people buzzing backwards and forwards to Arizona to help out, while those on the home front wade through the beurocracy that will bring her home in a flurry pf paperwork. A mobile home is also being looked into that can be placed in the car-park looking out onto Tineke's garden. Peaceful and private but with help all around.

But first, I found this superb picture in the camera, the last from New Zealand. Gordon Ramsey has nothing on The Lad when the Good Gourmet Ghost is upon him. Another reminder of the unforgetable time we had in New zealand, literally the time of our lives.

Meanwhile some pictures of Heiloo in the spring.
Through the woods to the Pony Club.

This is on the cycle path. We shall be doing a lot more cycling as I, like Bernadet, have an electrical velocipede. Mine cost about a third of Bernadet's, coming as it did from the Aldi. In my opinion it is a very good bike. Everything is stainless steel and the frame is aluminium. Nothing to rust or corrode. It will probably catch fire instead. It has a twist-grip throttle so you can rev up and pretend to be Valentino Rossi. But not very convincingly. We do spend a lot of time touring the area. Not as far-reaching as Young Stef, but it is amazing what car-drivers are missing. As long as they miss the cyclists.
It's alright here, you bastard, but stay away from my fishpond.

Trees all bare and a well-wrapped woman.

Kees offered to cut the grass. The 'S' is not clear, but the intention is obvious.
Tineke's Garden

For those in other parts of the world who cannot see Tineke's Garden and would like to (probably half the world population), your waiting is over.

Several families survive on the vegetables this garden provides. All through the winter and into the next spring, the freezers are bursting.

It is also a great place to sit with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.
In June there will be so many strawberries that buckets are thrown away.

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