Last week we went to the Pony Club where Emma and Merel have regular lessons, and every so often take part in competions to earn points for promotion up the Horsey Ladder of Success. The dressage in the morning went quite well, both earned a point. Dressage, for those not particularly interested in it, is almost as exciting as watching tortoises hibernate. I saved the camera for the jumping, which is a bit like motor-racing. Nothing much really happening, but always the lucky chance of a horrendous accident, a real mangling. Both Merel and Emma were disqualified for not going over the fences, that being the object of the exercise. And in Merel's case, for actually galloping backwards, which I thought was rather clever and should have been rewarded rather than penalised. So no photos of the jumping.
Some children are so poor that they cannot afford horses. The Pony Club lets them pretend and run around the course to help them cope with thier social deprivation.

Why can't the The Horse do it in the Pony Club? Perhaps it's the posh jacket and the white trousers. The lens of the camera distorts the picture. The fence is actually 2.5 meters high.

Yes, alright, don't look so smug, just because you can ride a horse and make it jump a bit.

Of course, if you really want to know how to ride:
Such a noble posture! Horse and rider as one, a merging of minds, supreme confidence in thier abilities. A masterclass!

Meanwhile, this bastard has been sitting on the fence waiting for a power cut so that he can break through my electronic defences. Perhaps he already has. I haven't seen many fish lately
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