You! Go away with that camera. We've already sold the film rights

They gather by the Sacred Rhubarb Tree.

They are excited about the venture

It won't be dangerous, will it?

Honest! There's nothing out there bigger than the biggest buffalo you ever saw.
Are those fruit flies agressive?

One group heads north, braving the unknown

Look everyone! I've found an egg in this chicken shack!
Very strange! How on earth did it get here! It's miles to the nearest supermarket!

Three Dutchmen
and an ethnic minority
Who'd have thought, 140 years ago, we'd be stood here looking at artichokes. Us kids had to pluck tomatoes you could stick your head through!"

Tomatoes? You were lucky! We had to pull carrots out of the ground, thick as an elephant's front leg. With our teeth.

Luxury. We had it REALLY tough. We had to dig all night with our bare nails and when we got a potato out of the frozen ground, we couldn't see over the top of it. Then we had to go to hospital to have our fingers amputated because of the frostbite before we went to school without any breakfast because we couln't hold spoon with stump. If we were lucky.

"Yer right there, Antoon. And you tell that to the young people today, they'll never believe you".
"No, they won't"
"Aye, they'll say you're just making it up. They're soft!".
Aye, them were they days, Antoon


I've just caught a fruit fly. It's in the pot, but the pot isn't strong enough. I think it will break through at any moment.

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