What with the scooter accelerating away from the house every morning at amazing velocity, with large passengers aboard and tires squealing like stuck pigs, it came as a total surprise and a dreadful shock to learn that it was buggered. It started to liberally spray petrol around as if the stuff just came out of the ground. Fortunately Kees is a wonder at scooter repairs. Watch and learn as he completes the delicate alignment of the crankshaft using a micrometer and a crankshaft alignment sledge-hammer. The carburettor was wrenched off violently, mercilessly dismembered, the parts shaken up in a petrol-filled cocktail shaker, brutally rammed back into place, and it started first kick and ran sweetly.
In this extract from the manual, the correct procedure for replacing the air filter of the Peugot Vivacity Sport 1997 model is clearly shown.

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