There are times when growing girls need new clothes. One option is to give them vast quantities of one's hard earned cash (not that I am actually earning anything at the moment, apart from my miserable pension which is just enough to keep the horse). There are dangers here, as what teenagers see as suitable clothing may include tattoos and belly-piercings. The alternative is to load them into a car and go off on a shopping spree without giving them any money at all. The idea is to make one pass up the shopping street in Amsterdam seeing what is available and making choices within the allotted budget. If not, they would be out of money by shop 2 and come to realise that they could have done better if they had known what was in shops 3 - 187. Then we turn around and go back collecting all the stuff in one quick pass, hoping that nobody has a change of heart that ruins the plan and the timing of the quick escape, that the chosen stuff is still available and that we will all still be sane by the time we are done.
Mmmm.. I can't wait to get to the shops! That's why I'm smiling!

Well, I'm in a shop now, and I managed to keep this same smile going for more than an hour!

This is a bit tight

This is all a load of crap!

Oh dear! What an embarassment!

Done! Lets get home!

Wait'll you see my coat, babe, wait'll you see my coat... (
Snoop Dog)

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