zondag 28 juni 2009

Emma is 15

For all family waiting for news of Em'z Birthday in Canada, England and New Zealand, then you will have to wait for a day or so. My computer is crap, or it may be Vista, but it's taking me for a good tour round Buggered-Computer-Land. Also, I cannot draw at the moment as my drawing tablet (never trust anything from 'Trust') is also buggered. I have lots of photos and news of this event but I am about to throw this heap of shit out of the window. I will give it a night to think about my threats and hopefully it will reform. Merel and Thijs were 'off' but before I could type you the news, it was back on again. Twenty minute separation/reconcilliation. Catch you all tomorow.

Back again - computer struggling, but working. Emma's party was not much different from Merel's, just a few more people and all the Young People a little bit younger. Fortunately they both have birthdays in June, so the party-tent, tables, lights and barbecue can all be left in place. And there are plenty of left-overs. Partly filled bottles of cola can be combined to make full ones. Half eaten hamburgers can be trimmed to match other halfeaten hamburgers like jig-saw puzzles. Refrozen, the 2 bits stick together. Although the average age of the guests would be about 14, we found a list of names upon which Emma had assigned alcoholic beverages. The idea was that each child would arrive with at least one bottle of something strong. It soon became apparent that the young guests had difficulty bringing in their handbags, and that the handbags made a distinct klinking sound when placed on the floor. We had set a limit of one crate of beer, several bottles of cider and 6 of some dreadful rose that was only 7.5% which gave the Young People the bravado without the headache.

Early arrivals

Emma with new friend - A new beginning

We are not compatible - flamingo pink and cobalt blue? Shudder!

Can you see Merel's tongue pierthing?

What a fine pair!

Did I menthion my tongue pierthing?

Bernadet is allowed to cook sausages now and again

The double deep-fry unit was particularly in demand. As I was in charge of the cooking, I was most pleased to hear all the accolades about the quality of my french-fries, krokets, fricandels and loempias. And the hamburgers, some of which fell into two halves when unfrozen. The barbecue, borrowed from neighbour Jan is just great.
Sorry Miss, this seat's taken

Birthday girl and sister

Britt and friend

In case you missed my tongue-pierthing

If only they could talk! They're trying to say something, we'll never know.

Old People in the Adult Supervision post


Rebecca and Eva getting tanked

About my pierthing...

Armed only with the tin-opener with which I had escaped from the Russian submarine, I, the brave Sebastian, turned to face the giant squid. I felt sorry for the monster, they could be only one winner!.

Just good friends


These four just sat and ate

Nithe atmothphere


A disturbing trend in Holland!. This lad has had his initials tattoed on his underpants! His little brother will no doubt be going into the second hand car-business. Or kitchen knives on the Shopping Channel. Total sincerity, cross my heart.

Bye Bye!

Nobody (almost) got drunk or caused unseemly incidents. Then most of then went home. However, a dozen or so got no further than the next field where they lay down to contemplate the stars and had to be herded homewards. The remainder sang the party to bed. Eliza, 14, and her mother who came to collect her, sing beautifully. Click here for a sample. In the second part of this clip she is singing with a mobile playing the original in Mp3, to get the pitch and a reminder of the words.

Bye all!

Sef, please phone or Skype!

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