A sad tale of vandalism.

If you examine the photograph carefully, you may observe a pair of iron birds feet. The rest of the bird is gone, stolen on the night of the 15th, no doubt by some impecunious youth as a present for his girl-friend. With Alice aforethought. It was a magnificent white, porcelien Heron with, as mentioned, cast iron legs. In his haste, he probably did not notice that the bird was now legless, as indeed he may have been himself to have made such an error. What on earth will she think when presented with the gift. It cant even stand up on it's own. It looks about as sensible as the birdless legs by my pond. Should he care to contact me, perhaps we can come to an arrangement. I get the torso on even days, and he and Alice get the legs on the odd ones. All of the bird part of the time against part of the bird all of the time.
Before I forget, I was pointed by Merel and Thijs in the direction of Happy Tree Friends. This is just great. I reccommend!
http://www.pimpjeprofiel.com/filmpjes/820-Happy+Tree+Friends+-++Eye+Candy.htmlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3O5uy-MBBkPS. Stef - Flight of the Conchords on it's way.
Ps. Adam - New Cd from Kieran in the post - signed by the deity himself. It will take me a long time to get used to Kieran without Chris Jones, although Jimmy Smith is superb.
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